Emergency Repair Services
Certus Biomedical Emergency Repair Services
We are proud to offer a full nationwide call out service whenever you need us, we guarantee an initial response from an engineer within 1 hour, and can often solve problems free of charge over the phone without the need for an engineer visit, meaning you can rely on our support when you need it the most.

what do we look after?
Equipment Type
Anaesthetic Machine
Patient Monitor
Large Animal Anaesthetic Machine
Oxygen Concentrator
Anaesthetic Ventilator
Dental Trolly with Compressor
Infusion Pump/ Syringe Driver
Lift Table
Surgical Lighting
Patient Warming Units
Piped Gas System
Scavenging System
Electrosurgical Units
RO Filtration Systems
Repair Costs
Equipment Type
Anaesthetic Vaporiser S/X (ISO) £150
Vaporiser Calibration Output Test £100
Anaesthetic Machine Basic £100
Anaesthetic Machine Complex £150
Patient Monitor (Basic, Pulse OX, BP etc) £35
Patient Monitor (Multi Parameter) £150
Large Animal A/M (No Ventilator) £150
Large Animal A/M (With Ventilator) £280
Oxygen Concentrator £85
Anaesthetic Ventilator (Nuffield 200 etc) £40
Benchtop Autoclave £300
Dental Trolly with Compressor £160
Infusion Pump/ Syringe Driver £90
Lift Table £40
Surgical Lighting £25
Patient Warming Units £90
***Piped Gas System (O2/ Air/ N20) £180
Scavenging System (Semi Active/ Stand Alone) £48
***Scavenging System Active £180
Electro Surgical/ Diathermy units £100
RO System £250
Surgical suction units £45
Weighing scales £40
Incubators £40
Oxygen cages/ vivariums £35
Ultrasonic Cleaners £45
*** Up to 5 outlets, additional outlets at £20 each